
Chapter One :Chapter 1

In the early morning, the sky is just getting light, and a man in his early twenties is sleeping soundly in bed.

Suddenly, a loud roar woke him up.

"Yang Chen, what time is it? You good-for-nothing son-in-law, aren't you up yet to cook?"

The man was startled by the voice in his dream and opened his eyes in a daze.

" Damn it, disturbing one's dreams early in the morning, when will these kinds of days end!"

The man complained discontentedly, dragging his feet and got out of bed to open the door and walked out.

Outside the door stood a charming and slim middle-aged beauty, but at this moment, she was glaring at him with a face full of anger, her expression vicious, as if she was about to eat him alive.

This immediately made the sleepy man wake up.

The man's name is Yang Chen, and three years ago, he was forced by his grandfather to marry into the Fang family in Yongle County Town as a matrilocal son-in-law.

On the surface, he is expected to be a matrilocal son-in-law, but in reality, he is just a nanny because his relationship with his wife, Fang Wanxuan, is nominal at best.

Three years of marriage and he hasn't even touched her hand, let alone entered her room.

His wife, Fang Wanxuan, is busy with work, rarely comes home, they only see each other a few times a month, and there is no communication between the two, just like strangers.

On the contrary, he was bossed around in this family, doing laundry, cooking, and cleaning... a big man was turned into a male nanny.

The middle-aged beauty in front of him is his wife's mother, his mother-in-law, Qin Ping.

Before Yang Chen could say anything, his mother-in-law started scolding, "You useless thing, what time is it now? Do you deliberately want to starve us by not getting up to cook?"

While speaking, the mother-in-law, with her nails sharp as talons, jabbed Yang Chen straight in the forehead.

In this situation, Yang Chen could only hold his anger in. After all, he was a live-in son-in-law and had to depend on others for living.

Looking at the middle-aged woman in front of him, Yang Chen was incredibly unhappy, but he dared not speak out. He could only whisper, "I'm going to do it right away."

In a short while, Yang Chen had prepared breakfast and invited his father-in-law and mother-in-law to have breakfast.

"Hold on, you didn't mop the floor or do the laundry yesterday! Do those things first!" The mother-in-law suddenly said, just as Yang Chen was about to sit down for breakfast.

Yang Chen frowned in frustration, "I'll do them after I finish eating!"

"No. Go to do them now! Or you won't have your meals today!" The mother-in-law slapped the table, sounding quite stern, her dominance unquestionable.

A somewhat fat, middle-aged man sitting by the side lifted his head, gave Yang Chen a blank look and said, "Finish the housework first before eating!"

This man was Yang Chen's father-in-law, Fang Heng.

Now that both parents-in-law had voiced it, no matter how unwilling Yang Chen was, he had to obey.

Suppressing his dissatisfaction, he said, "Alright."

Reluctantly, Yang Chen put down his chopsticks and left to do the housework.

However, in a short while, the mother-in-law's enraged roar echoed through the living room again. "Yang Chen, you useless thing! Do you even know how to cook? What is this rubbish you've made? It's so tasteless!"

The mother-in-law, with her face twisted in anger, walked up to Yang Chen carrying a dish, and flung it forcefully onto the nearby table.

With a "bang," the soup from the dish splashed everywhere, onto Yang Chen's face and clothes.

Yang Chen was truly at his wits' end, clenching his teeth, looking like he was about to explode with rage!

But remembering that he was merely the son-in-law, he forced himself to hold back, staying silent.

"Forget it, forget it! Let's just have something to eat!" Seeing this, his father-in-law pulled his mother-in-law back.

With an angry look, Yang Chen wiped off the soup on his face, took a deep breath, and watched their retreating figures. He consoled himself: "Forget it, I've endured this kind of life for three years already. I just need to hold on a bit more!"

After his in-laws finished eating, they just left their dishes on the table, then changed clothes and prepared to go out.

But just when Yang Chen thought he could finally relax a bit, suddenly that deafening roar sounded once again.

"Yang Chen, you good-for-nothing, are you deliberately crossing me?"

Yang Chen frowned in confusion and looked up, only to see his mother-in-law coming over with a black jacket in her hand, her face filled with wrath.


Before Yang Chen could say a word, his mother-in-law slapped him across the face.

All he could hear was the crisp sound accompanied by the whooshing wind whizzing past his ear, followed by a burning pain on his cheek.

"How did you wash the clothes? This Armani jacket of mine, bought for over ten thousand yuan, you actually lost the button of my jacket!"

This slap left Yang Chen dumbfounded; in three years, this was the first time he had been hit!

After a moment of shock, Yang Chen realized that half of his face was burning and even starting to swell.

This woman actually slapped him over a lousy button, this was more than he could bear!

Called to cook before dawn!

Being banned from eating even after cooking, mopping the floor, and doing the laundry!

All these were nothing extraordinary. Wasn't it normal to lose a button during laundry?

Yet, this woman had the audacity to slap him for such a trivial matter! Bear in mind, his natural parents had never laid a hand on him in their lifetime!

This caused a volcanic eruption in Yang Chen who had suppressed his anger for three years.

"Screw it, I’m not serving anymore!"

Blowing a fuse, Yang Chen tossed the mop onto the floor, turned around, swung the door shut, and left in exasperation.

This act left his mother-in-law stunned. This was her first time seeing Yang Chen erupt in anger.

After being taken aback for a couple of seconds, she finally snapped back to reality and yelled at Yang Chen, "You useless man, if you dare to leave, don’t bother coming back!"

"Hell, if I ever return, may I be struck by lightning!" As he stated these words, Yang Chen vanished beyond the gate of the small villa.


However, just when Yang Chen stepped out of the villa, the skies relentlessly began to roar with consecutive thunder.

"No way! It was a slip of the tongue!" cried out Yang Chen with panic splashed across his face.

Looking up, he was awestruck to find the once bright and sunny sky being swiftly replaced with dark clouds, forming a gigantic vortex directly above him.

In the midst of a vortex, threads of lightning swam around like thunder snakes, making a crackling sound.

Yang Chen, observing this scene, suddenly remembered the vow he's just made; struck by lightning, thunderstruck...

Terrified, his face turned pale, he stammered, "Oh heavens, I...I was just joking!"


However, before he could finish his sentence, a terrifying bolt of lightning suddenly lashed down from the vortex, aiming straight for him.

"For crying out loud, I don't want to die yet!" Yang Chen bellowed, turning to run.

But how could he possibly outrun lightning? Barely having taken two steps, he was struck directly on his head and lost consciousness instantly.

However, in the final moments, he felt as though he heard a voice, "Finally broke through dimensions to arrive at a new world..."

After quite some time, Yang Chen regained consciousness, finding himself floating in a pitch-black space.

"Am...am I dead? Is this hell?"

"I didn't expect myself, Yang Chen, a man of talent, to die in such a ludicrous manner! I’ve yet to fulfil my filial duties, yet to have experience with a woman; I can't accept this! Wuu wuu wuu!"

Yang Chen, a grown man, started to weep.

Just then, a cough sounded behind him.

"Ahem, ahem, you're not dead yet!"

Hearing this voice, Yang Chen was startled and turned around immediately.

Suddenly, he spotted a withered willow tree. A sprout, about ten centimeters high with four to five leaves, extended from the base of the tree.

A spectral figure floated above the willow tree. It was a green-robed old man radiating a holy green light, abnormally handsome with a celestial aura.

Astonished, Yang Chen retreated, asking, "Huh? Who...who are you?"

The green-robed old gentleman stroked his beard, calmly stating, "I am the God of Life from the Divine Realm of the Sky...."

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